Chakras are the gateways to the physical body. There are many chakras throughout the whole body and auric field. These chakras influence us physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Seven main chakras influence vital organs as well as emotional states.
The Base Chakra governs the lower back, legs and lower spine. The color most seen and which vibrates with this chakra is RED. Emotionally, motivation, being active and energetic. When not functioning properly, depression and lack of motivation, tiredness, stiff and sore joints. Working with this chakra with healing can help a person gain energy to motivate change in their lives.
The Sacral Chakra governs the sexual organs, bladder, bowel and lower intestine. The color most seen to vibrate with this chakra is ORANGE. Emotionally, creativity, passion and artistic pursuits. Sexual and relationship issues arise when this chakra is not functioning properly. Problems with erections, sexual orgasms and many sexual illnesses. Working with this chakra with healing can help deal with sexual, issues, relationship problems as well as open their creative and artistic side.
The Solar Plexus Chakra governs our upper intestine, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and mid spinal cord. This is a very powerful center that vibrates out powerful, positive energy. Emotionally it gives us courage, self will, determination and aids us in succeeding. We store things in this center. So when it is not functioning, we can store up pain, grief, envy, anger and stubbornness. The color that vibrates with this chakra is YELLOW. Working with this chakra with healing can help raise their awareness, give them self control, will power and courage.
The Heart Chakra governs our heart, lungs, and surrounding organs, especially our circulation, our veins and the blood that flows life force through our bodies. Emotionally, it influences our feelings of love, hate, anger, joy, etc. Working with this chakra can help promote healing on all levels. Because most events that cause illness are emotional one's, working with healing, postivie thought affirmation and Reiki, Seichim and Ki Manna can help to release blocks and promote faster healing and emotional stability. The colors that vibrate with this chakra are GREEN and PINK.
The Throat Chakra governs the throat area, base of the neck thyroid and lymph glands. Emotionally it governs communication, writing, singing and expression. When not functioning properly, there may be problems with the above mentioned organs as well as self lies and lack of expression in verbalizing their needs and ideas. Working with this chakra in healing will open communication and self expression. It will help people clear the air with unsaid words and bring truth out. The color that vibrates well with this chakra is BLUE.
The Third Eye Chakra governs the eyes, ears, nasal passages, teeth and facial muscles. Emotionally it transfers the feelings we have inside us into thoughts. It is also our center for psychic senses. When not functioning properly all the above organs are affected. Working with this chakra can help with sleeplessness, stress caused through mental imbalances and many mental emotional issues. The color that vibrates well with this chakra is PURPLE.
The Crown Chakra is our connection to the divine. It is also said to be the exit and entrance for the soul to exit and enter the body. Associated with this chakra is belief, hope and destiny. The stars, universe and star seed connections. All our extra sensors beyond our psychic sense are activated with this chakra. Working with this chakra will open a person to their spiritual quest. It will clear their head of chatter and they will hear their own divine inner self. The color that vibrates with this chakra is VIOLET and/or WHITE.
There are many, many minor chakras that also govern muscles and main points of the body. I view all chakras as important to a person's health and growth. Working with chakras with healing and meditation can influence a person's well being. A healer recognizes the importance of working with the chakras. The chakras allow us to go deep within the core of a person and bring out the issues and illness to heal them. Some of the minor chakras in the feet, knees, hand and shoulders, when worked on can help with pain relief, earth balancing and muscles and nerve calming.
When we learn to meditate, we learn to control our stress levels and learn to really relax the mind and body. We start to feel less stressed, which makes us easier to get along with our family, friends and work mates. With meditation, we learn to bring back focus in our lives and this focus helps us to make the right decisions that we need for our happiness.
Meditation helps with sickness, it promotes faster recovery. Meditation helps with anger, fear, worry, pain and emotional traumas from other people hurting you. Meditation helps you to get along with other people and learn to accept others. Meditation teaches you how to be strong without pushing others away. Meditation helps to bring prosperity back by helping you become motivated to act in your life. Meditation helps you to make right decisions. Meditation can mend a broken heard, fix a family feud and assist you to find friends and new loves in your lives.
How? By showing you how to be aware of your present life and help you see where you life is not working. Meditation offers the gift of peace and calmness that helps you bring back your center and when we are functioning from our center, our lives become transformed. Meditation is when you allow the mind to rest and go quiet. When our bodies are worked really hard, we get aches and pains. We need to rest the body so it can recuperate from the stress and physical strain we have put onto it. If we don't our bodies can become ill. When this happens we are forced to take it easy. With our minds we are always thinking, even in sleep the mind is working because most of us dream while we sleep. The dreams are usually all the unconscious fears coming to the surface from our conscious fears. However with meditation we can slow the mind down and relax it to such a level that it gets the chance to have a good rest. After practice you will be able to stop the thoughts altogether for a short time. In times of stress and serious illness we are constantly worried and that puts pressure on our mind and our bodies that is no good. These two factors can lead to even more illness and more stress. Just imagine if we rest our mind through meditation we are allowing whatever problem's that are present in our body to heal themselves without the added stress of constantly worrying about them.
Meditation is so easy that even young children can practice meditation. This would be beneficial to children who are going through problems at school. We have to learn how to slow the mind and our thinking down. When we can do this, we are able to instill within ourselves a sense of peace and harmony. We are also able to open our chakras and energy centers up properly, so that they function appropriately. Music is a type of meditation. Painting, drawing, writing. All these are forms of meditation. All forms of exercise are forms of meditation also. When we stop thinking and place focus on something that gives us joy, we start to truly listen to what is going on within ourselves. We are able to hear our higher mind and our inner child. We learn to listen to our body and what it has to say. If something is off balance or not right, we are able to talk to our bodies and find out exactly what is the problem.
When we work with meditation in our lives it can help us to heal ourselves through relieving stress, making us feel more relaxed and helping us to enjoy living our lives in a balanced and creative way.
Meditation teaches us how to become aware. We have been living in a life where we are always running around too busy to just stop for a minute and find focus - because of this we have become caught up in the head always thinking and worrying about the future and not spending any time living in the present. We miss out on so much of our present lives and the joy and fun we could be having because we worry about the future.
While Reiki is not a religion, it is still important to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others. Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, recommended that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures.
Reiki classes are taught all over the country and in many parts of the world. If you are interested in learning Reiki, please contact "The International Center for Reiki Training" at
Dr. Mikao Usui
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